Visiting time

Yesterday was the longest day ever! After my 8am appointment at the clinic, I had to be at the hospital for 12pm, but I didn't have my operation until 5.30pm! The anaesthetist asked what I did for a living and there was quite a reaction when I told them I worked in Clinical Negligence and Personal Injury - I think I got extra good care lol!

The surgery went well and I was back in my room about 7.30pm, but I didn't feel great and couldn't face eating anything. I slept intermittently, but with the aid of a saline drip I felt much better this morning and enjoyed a full English breakfast.

Alan came at 9am this morning and I was discharged at about 10am. When he arrived he laughed at my visitor - the nurse had piled my duvet on the chair as I was too warm and had thrown the bowl on the top which makes it look like the invisible man lol!

I'll be off work for at least a couple of weeks now to recuperate and have a follow up appointment on Thursday, but from being sore and a bit tired I feel surprisingly well considering.

Thanks for all your well wishes yesterday x

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