Summer fruit

We woke today to the sound of rain. Heavy rain. It seems like forever since it has rained here, so I suppose I can't complain. My beautiful girl headed off for her early shift at work and the dogs and I wandered up the hill in the rain. The dogs really didn't mind the rain, and it wasn't that unpleasant...
Home again and I got on with sorting out the van. I got frustrated looking for something in the van yesterday, so everything that was in the van is now laid out on the garage floor and being sorted into tubs and containers and piles of rubbish. Life should be easier now.
I put on my waterproofs and headed out with the woofers for the afternoon walk at around the same time as the sun decided to make an appearance. Consequently I became a boil in the bag PW and the woofers felt the need to paddle in the loch.
The wild raspberries are coming out and I love the colour of them in the greenery. And yes, they do taste damned good...

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