Mini foxgloves

A busy day today, started with my beautiful girl zooming out for another early shift. I took the woofers for a damp wander up the hill before coming home and finishing off the massive tidy up I have been doing on the van. Everything is back in now, and I can still see the floor of the van. Amazing.
Into town to pick up some stuff for the dogs and for making a cake. Home and out with the dogs again - Talisker seems to have a magnetic attraction to the loch these days. Whilst I was trying to encourage him to come out of the water, I noticed these tiny little flowers, which I first thought were little foxgloves. They must be orchids I suppose.
Once home I got the cake under way, made some bread, accompanied the wifeycle for a wee drive in the countryside, made pizza and glued the cake together with icing... I think I should really have a dram now....

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