
By raubrey

What's in a road name?

Todays blip doesn't look too exciting does it? To me it actually means a great deal as it is a result after a couple of years of asking, asking and then demanding my local council to do something to honour the memory of my towns greatest war hero, Fred Greaves VC.

Fred was awarded the Victoria Cross in October 1917 for rushing a German pillbox at a critical moment of battle when his commanding officers were either dead or wounded. Fred Greaves is important to the town for more than his heroism, which though was remarkable, but also for what he stood for, how he conducted himself and how he lived his life.

I do try and keep alive his memory as it is important that this man is not forgotten. I only wish I had met him as he really is my hero.

If anyone reading this is interested in hearing more about Fred, then I have a twitter account which I update with news @fredgreavesvc and a blog which is woefully out of date at the moment. Fred Greaves Blog

I hope maybe my blip will inspire one of two of you to look into your local history and find out more about the great people who have gone before.

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