
By raubrey

Hidden Gem

Today I was inspecting an old Methodist Church that had been converted for industrial use many years ago. The previous occupants have long since moved out and the building is derelict inside now. The outside of the building retains the look of a Methodist church though the inside has no trace of its religious past.

I had to make my way through the building, room by room, stumbling around in the dark for light switches to check each room. It was a slow process as a) I forgot to take a torch b) the light was fading outside and c) the electrician clearly decided to play a version of treasure hunt with light switches as they were never where they should have been.

I entered the main room in the upstairs portion of the building, finally found the lights and flicked them on. At the far side of the room was another door slightly ajar, with a strange yellow glow emitting from it.

When I entered my eyes could make out the shape of a cross painted on the wall. It was being lit by a yellow emergency light in the far corner. After some experimentation, I managed to get this shot which is relatively faithful to the original colours.

Whilst the rest of the interior of the building was pretty awful, this stood out as a thing of great beauty and I wanted to capture it and share it with you all.

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