My Best Efforts - Year 3


Double Begonia.......

.........and I'm not very happy with this image of it! I have faffed with it for ages and can't get it to look as I would like!

Anni has always said that bright red is a difficult colour and, after this morning, I agree!

Am posting it anyway, so there!!! - that sounds like a peevish child, I know!!

I went for an ECG test a little while ago - there was a reassuring phone call yesterday to say that they had found nothing to worry about that was not age-related! I suppose that is good news! I can't stop getting older!

We have had some rain in the night which has freshened things up a bit - and there are Countrywide forecasts for more, plus thunderstorms - we shall see! Now, at 9.3oam, the temperature is already 70 Deg. F.

Hope you have a lovely weekend.

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