Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

He's trying to eat meeee!

I woke up with a splitting headache this morning. I went downstairs for pain killers around 4:30 and it was chucking it down with rain outside. When I woke again at 7 my head was still pounding and Mr J very kindly brought me tea, toast and more pills before he left for work.

Once up and ready and with my headache starting to subside we made our way to the library. We had a really good sing song and a nice look at the books. On the way home the heavens opened again and I got drenched!

After lunch we all went for a nap. It was an hour later when I woke up, that I thought we were being burgled! I tip toed downstairs to find the in laws had let themselves in were sat in the lounge with a cuppa!!

This afternoon the sun has been scorching and it's been around 30 degrees. We played in the garden for a bit and had fun chatting with our surprise guests.

A's preferred method of letting me know he is hungry is now by eating my face! The more I laugh the more he does it and he loves getting a reaction from other people. He's becoming a proper little character now.

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