
I had to be up and away quite early so I'd set an alarm just in case - but the dawn woke me up earlier than that. The journey to Nottingham took five hours on three different trains. Then there was an afternoon of briefing and an evening of modelling. Nice to meet up with some old chums and the students seem like a great bunch, but it was far too hot to be doing hard thinking. The food seems better than last year (couldn't be worse), but I had to change rooms after discovering a nest of red ants just starting to release the winged ones in the bathroom of my first room. Forgot to take a snap of them, dammit - my head is definitely not in the blip-zone I'm afraid.

And I didn't get any decent (or even indecent) shots out of the train window,
so this is the sky looking north-ish over Leith at 04:30 am.

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