
I had a day off (ahead of eight days straight working) so after getting my hair cut I went up to the allotment. I did some watering and picking but the sun was actually too hot to be out in for long and I headed home via shady paths as far as possible. While I was there I heard a lot of swallows chattering and squeaking and saw that they were actually mobbing someone. I didn't know swallows would do that. They looked like tiny fighter jets going in on some huge transport plane - they certainly irritated whoever it was sufficiently for him to eventually fly away. I pointed the camera at the sky on full zoom and took a couple of shots - I had no idea if I'd got him in the viewfinder as I couldn't see the display at all, due to the dazzling light. At least I got something like a probable sparrowhawk.

Earlier in the day I watched a very interesting contribution to the independence debate.

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