From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Back down to earth with a bump...

I was working from home today as I couldn't have gone to the office even I'd wanted to. I'd got some builders coming to sort out a drainage problem. I had tree roots getting into a pipe and although it had been fixed temporarily a few weeks ago, the men today were going to get the patio slabs up and fit some sort of collar to the pipe to make it impossible for roots to get in. Boring eh?

I was also glad to work from home as I'd nodded off on the settee last night and woke up at three in the morning! I looked and felt like Quasimodo today. I almost felt sorry for the three fellows who rang the bell when I answered the door looking like a zombie. The poor lads must have been terrified as they all took their boots off in the porch and carried them through the house to put them on again just before going into the garden. I made them teas and coffee anyway (three sugars each!) and left them to it. They left my feeding station alone. The poor birds looked thoroughly pissed off up in the trees when I glanced out of the window a couple of times. The garden was only out of bounds for half a day though so they were soon back to normal.

One man told me not to flush the loo at one stage. Why is it that when someone tells you not to flush the loo you get a desperate urge to go? I know I could have gone but I didn't trust myself not to flush and then I would have been mortified if I'd sent the three men a present! Urrrrrgggghhhhhh! Fortunately that didn't happen but I was delighted when they left...

It was a busy day work wise. Paul who sits next to me emailed me to say that when he was on the way into work, he couldn't drive down Hermitage Road in Solihull. It was blocked at both ends, blue flashing lights everywhere and a police forensic tent visible in a front garden. Apparently, it looked like a scene from Taggart (a Glasgow police drama). Imagine if I had walked to work? I could have pretended to be a press photographer and blipped a murder scene! It was murder, a double one in the early hours of the morning. The bodies of a man and woman were found in the house and a third man had been arrested I heard on the radio later. Oooer!

Nothing else happened today anyway. I did have a sort out of my freezer though and got rid of a few UFOs. Yes, you've guessed it - Unidentifiable Frozen Objects! I got a few birdie visitor pictures before the men had arrived and a few after. So hard to decide!

Go large...

Track? Another beauty from Peter Green today - You'll Be Sorry Someday

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