From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Three weeks and three days.....

That's how long it will be before I am back in my beloved Scotland again. I'm sat here with my brandy and ginger while writing this relieved that the strange pang I felt as we left the ground has passed. I think it was just my heart leaving me as it fell through the clouds back to the Scottish soil again. Knowing my luck, it will probably land in a pile of horse shit.... Never mind eh? I'll be hopefully coming up roses soon.

It's been one of the better weeks I've had up here when I expected it to be one of the worst. The weather was pretty good for most of the time and even on the one day it wasn't - Friday - the sun came out to greet me late before saying the most wonderful 'Goodbye for now!' ever.

Mom has been great this week. She used to tut, sigh and complain every time I stopped to take a picture scolding me like a naughty child for dragging my feet and dawdling. It was her idea to go to Dunure twice, once for the castle and once for the harbour and an evening pint. She encouraged me out for my late night shots and willingly went to Glasgow yesterday. I don't tell her that I tell you all about her funny moments. I think she'd kill me!

It was a beautiful morning in Ayr when we walked up the road to the station. I was sad to go but that's normal. I'm back so often it's not worth moaning about really. The train to Paisley Gilmour Street was painless as was the little bus to the airport. I bought a Celtic football shirt - please don't scream! - I love the colour!

Speaking of colour, my Flybe plane is purple! They are normally white with blue writing. I remarked to the 'made up like a scary clown' hostess when I went up the steps. She said 'Oh they will all be like this soon!' as she pointed out the purple lights which gave the plane a weird Gothic nightclub look.

I was delighted to find that I had no one sat next to me despite the fact that the plane was pretty full of middle aged men who'd been to Glasgow for a stag party. They were all drinking cans of Magners cider. I wouldn't wash my socks in that rubbish!

Getting ready to land now. If you are reading this you will know that I survived and didn't murder any of the noisy gits sat behind me ..

Go large!

P.S. I wish they cleaned the windows on aeroplanes...

Track? A bit of Jimi today to go with my purple plane - Purple Haze!

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