From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Lord help!

Well, here we go again. It's time for another airport blip.

I was feeling a little subdued leaving today but the beautiful sunshine was wonderful dawdling down to the station to get my train to Paisley Gilmour Street. There wasn't any malodorous tramp to entertain me this time during my twenty minute wait for the bus which was just as well as I had a lovely chat on the phone instead. An American guy who had asked me if he was in the right place for the airport link earlier shuffled discreetly further away.

Anyway, the bus eventually turned up a bit late and then flew along the road at top speed to make up time. I was thrown all over the place and nearly ended up in the aisle with my case and laptop. I had one fleeting pleasant memory of being bounced around on a similar wild bus ride on Arran on Thursday. I arrived at Glasgow International Airport almost in one piece and then dropped my case in before heading through to the security check. I hadn't made allowances for my new boots and had a hell of a job getting them off! I managed the left one after a lot of fumbling but had to ask the security man if he'd assist and pull the other one. There was me collapsed in hysterics along with several passengers and three security staff. Oh my face was red!

Someone remind me to just unscrew my wooden leg and simply hand the whole thing over next time!

The plane was the next nightmare. Bloody women drivers again! Late taking off with a horrible screech - I think she'd forgotten to take the handbrake off - and the bumping and jolting once we were fully up there made me seriously think about going to mass again more regularly if I survived... I had a brandy to steady my nerves when the trolley came round! Stupidly, I said yes to ice but decided to tip the ice out and eat them like sweets. One cube shot out of my trembling fingers and landed four rows down. There was a big shriek and a bit of laughter. I just kept my head down....

I rang mom while I was having my pub dinner once I knew Andy had won. She was in tears. I feel the same.

The picture was taken in Glasgow International Airport. My favourite colour is green.

Track? Sorry about this. You can tell I thought my days were numbered when I called on Tom - Lord Help!

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