ONE: Gala Lunch

Well, the big event is underway! Even more bunting, including my home-made one has gone up today. The road has been busy as never before. Camper vans, cyclists, general traffic... But tomorrow it should be cleared of all vehicles. Not sure how many will be around on foot, but judging by today's spectators in West and North Yorkshire, it should be a lot. The Tour is due through here at about 3:45 and I have been out with my camera practising on unsuspecting cyclists.
As the picture shows, the weather has been excellent for our Village Gala today - unsurprisingly yellow themed. We went down at lunchtime and had a go on the tombola (Mr PB won a bottle of Lambrini), had a delicious burger from the barbecue, and bought some home-made cakes. Our next-door neighbour was helping out with one of the stalls and is having lunch here while business was slack. This is the bit of the Gala that spills over into the park, whilst most of the stalls are in front of and inside the Village Hall.

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