TWO: Yorkshire in Yellow

I've been amazed at how much art of so many kinds has been generated by the imminent arrival of the Tour de France. This is one project highlighted in the Millenium Gallery in Sheffield, although I wish I'd been more on the ball (or should that be wheel) and been aware of some of the local Landscape art, which is more to my taste. There is probably still time to track some of these down, as they will not disappear overnight.
Today the barriers were being deployed, and men with clipboards were in evidence around the village.
In my way into town and back today, I was astonished to hear people grumbling about the Tour. Anyone who wishes to go to the cinema at Don Valley Centertainment will be unable to do so on Sunday. This will of course constitute a major problem for the tens of thousands of people who will doubtless want to go to the cinema and will be unable to do so on any other day, or in any other part of the city. Bah, Humbug. Tomorrow is our Village Gala. I may just swing by.

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