Auditioning for the 4th Plinth

As the forecast was a bit mixed for today, I thought I'd go for a dawn raid. There was definitely a nip in the air but it was clear and bright. I saw Pied Wagtails and Goldfinches playing King of the Castle, a Buzzard on a rock and a Snipe in a puddle. Families of both Red Grouse and Pheasant were out and and about, and lots and lots of Brown Hares were playing chicken.
For some reason, this Wren ( a juvenile, I think) was playing Statues. Great for me; I got plenty of time to get a few photos.
No sign of Barry (our leucistic Starling) today. This is why I generally don't give our garden wildlife names - they never call, they never write, they just break your heart.
I'm posting an extra shot I got by dawn's early light - it's called Fly me to the Moon

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