
I've arrived at Rosemarkie on the Black Isle, partly because it's a nice place and partly because I wanted to see Cromarty, which has always attracted me. I quite liked it but it's a strange mix of industrial and seaside and I've been there now. I suppose I might have been there before when I was very young. We used to come to Rosemarkie on holidays when we lived in the Highlands. My main memory is that there was an enormous stuffed bear in the hotel lobby which frightened us kids to death. I looked for the hotel last time I was up here and it seems that it's Marine House which is now a retirement/nursing home. I don't know if they still have the bear in there!

Anyway, after a dryish morning, the rain has come in again. It's not too heavy but it's not great for photography. I'm hoping to take a walk out to Chanonry Point later, not for dolphins particularly although it would be good to see them. I saw them on the last time we were up here, 3 or 4 years ago. My blip is another old wreck. This one's on the foreshore by the ferry terminal at Cromarty and doesn't look as if it's going anywhere soon. I'll be heading back to Edinburgh tomorrow morning. I might blip before I leave here as there's no internet at Frances' house yet. Internet seems good here but as I don't have electricity on my pitch, I shall have to conserve battery power.

Hope your day's gone well and you're well set up for the weekend. No curry for me but I might get myself some fish and chips.

I forgot to say that there are a few more in the overspill pool including a beauty (if I say so myself) from Chanonry Point this evening.


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