
By CharlotteJ

Tiny Toadlets

This morning saw a quick 2.6mile run before heading off to see Chris Dad and Gran for lunch. After lunch Chris and I headed to a local nature reserve that we have never been to before.
At the entrance there was a sign about baby toadlet and after chatting to one of the volunteers off we went in search. Our search saw us complete a 2.8mile circular walk and as we got back to the main entrance another volunteer, was just standing around looking at the floor. In jest I said ‘I hope you have found a toadlet’ to which he replied ‘yes just here’. He was a really lovely guy and the toad came to a stop on the stone for me, I literally had one take before he hopped off again. It’s true that patience does pay off!
We are now home and I have to get on with completing a baby blanket….Chris’s sister is due any day now and my gift to her is a pink crochet baby blanket (we already know the baby is a girl!).

Happy Sunday

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