Let's Get Motivated!

By Hannah17

Sorry I have not posted in a while

Wow! It has been a long time, I am sorry for that! I have been at placement which means planning lessons, marking 30 books, observations, early mornings and early nights and not really having much of a life. Because of all this, I have really let myself slip with the healthy eating. I have not had time to sit and have an actual meal other than in my lunch break, so I have been grazing... NOT GOOD!! I have put on all the weight I had lost and feel very ashamed of myself. So, I am home for summer and ready to get back in track! Starting with breakfast :) soya yogurt, frozen raspberries and pine nuts! This is a total of 214 calories and 13g of fat. I need to focus on fat more than calories, so my breakfast will contain the most fat, then my lunch and dinner will contain as little as possible! I plan to have salads for lunch and for dinner will be protein, half a plate of veg and a handful of carbs (most likely pasta or rice).

So here we go again!

Let's get MOTIVATED!!!

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