Is this what it said on the packet?

This is the third flower blip in a row!! Well seeing that I haven’t been out and about for the past three days.

A review of my mini meadow (over the wall) sown on the 15th May was interesting!! The biggest plants are the thistles and nettles…. Not sure if they were in the mix or have migrated from elsewhere. Well, I’ve pulled the big stuff out, to allow smaller plants that look like cornflower and poppies to have a bit of space to grow.

Another busy day! B was home so it was the “2 person” jobs on the list that were tackled first. We had two parcels delivered, that will take some time and space to assemble. It was the decision to buy this item that kicked off the “tidy the garage” action that has taken up my time this weekend.

I then spent time working on my boxes. They are all at different stages so makes it a bit like an assembly line on the work surface in the garage.

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