
20.6C with plenty of cloud and flat light. Zephyr.

After the grocery shopping was tidied away Apothecary7 and I took Maeve the Deerhound for a walk. We went down the field with the bridle path to the shore.

As we walked down the field we could see that the equipment was all in place for the watering of the potato crop. A metal pipe (consisting of short sections connected together) ran over half a mile from the nearby burn to connect to the red hose reel which you can see here. In the distance on the far side of the field you may be able to make out the arc of water being sprayed on the crops. The water is pumped up from the burn, along the pipe and through the hose to the spray head which moves back and forth through an arc to cover a large area. The hose is automatically reeled in over a period of time before the reel is moved up the field and the hose and spray head redeployed for another area of the field to be watered.

This sort of equipment has been set up in lots of fields around in the last few days to get water to the potatoes.

When we reached to shore road we walked along into Carnoustie to pop in to the local Coop to buy Parmesan cheese which we forgot to buy earlier. Oops!

First Courgettes picked this afternoon, and the first Dwarf French Beans are almost ready too.

The nights are fair drawing in again :-)

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