Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Alpine Cowboy

A lie- exposed. Rene is more of a chicken wrangler...
Another lie- really, he has someone strangle them, then pops them in his trailer, which spins them til they're dizzy and tasty.

An interesting bird (Rene, not the chicken...)
Spent years in the rotisserie of the record industry, got a bit crispy round the edges, decided to stuff it, and roasts a different kind of quick daily dish for the hard-working Suisse in a different market square, Wednesday through Saturday.

Met him at lunch, bought a poulet from him for dinner, and made a floating date for schnapps and schnitzel sometime next month....

my phone died...(no charger)
my camera died...(same reason)
said my goodbyes...
and out of the trap like the 5/3 fav. at Shelbourne Park.

Worst of all, the longest goodbye, to S., at stupid o clock the following morning...

To all at Metzgerai Ochsen, danke, bitte, and kiss me arse til the next time.

To Bine, six weeks sounds about right.

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