Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

My New Bestest Freund....

Having wandered fruitlessly for hours, trying to find the local cop-shop,
(well, getting arrested on a fabricated charge is better than death-by-boredom, and I should know, I'm Irish)....

I decided that a livener was in order...

Off, then, to Doris', A.K.A, "Metzgerai Ochsen", for a bit of a bang on the ear, and a kick in the arse.

Walked in, frozen half-solid, and shouted for stout.

Doris, the owner, decanted herself from the kitchen at that very moment.....

"Aaahhhh! You are The Irish Guy!!!! Sit, please, sit!!!
"Beer, yes? You like some food?"

Declining, both politely, and temporarily, I took a shufti at the menu....

Intuition is a great thing, but certainty is better, and less bitter, bitte....

"Doris, any horse on the menu today, if you dont mind me asking?"
" I am so sorry, none today. Do you like the horse?"
"(Thank Fuck for that, but) at 15 to 1, with a following wind, preferably in Leopardstown, or Chepstow, I would marry it..."
"Some soup, then?
"Coola Boola, and go easy on the salt..."

Doris fed me beer, black bread, and soup, for hours.
We had CRAIC!!!!!
Swopped mad stories, lit each others cigarettes, and then took a few snaps.
And she refused to let me pay for anything.

"I will see you in Eerland someday" she told me "And you can do the same.."

Doris hugged me warmly, as I was leaving, and we agreed to meet, Chez Doris, for breakfast in the morning.

I will bring flowers, to my new home away from home....

This is the first and a halft time I have met Doris.....

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