Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Miniscule Disaster

This Blip is a re-enactment.
Many books were hurt in the inspiration of this Blip.

I left here at 5.30am, to work in Dublin.

At 9.30, my darlin daughter L. , called and said...

"Daddy, our Shop is flooded..."

To those not in the know,,,, until recently I have had a small bookshop on the bank of the River Slaney, in Wicklow. All the stock I kept there, and last week secured a deal from someone to buy every book as a "job-lot".Not now, methinks....

At around 12 or so, wonderful Wonderful World called, from the shop..."

"The place is swimming, and remember thet Sony sound system you had????"

So, the blip is a likkle taste of what the bookshop looked like today...

But, arraya, fuckit.

Compared to what a lot of others are being fucked with at the moment...

it's nothing.

I'm going to send what I can to Haiti.

(But bye- bye, so many beautiful books..)

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