I could have given you a photo of TallGirl's spectacle (show) at school, or the icy mug of chilled beer I had afterwards to recover, but instead here's the end result of the main activity of the day: 15 metres of very sturdy shelving. The first book to be installed was an easy choice.
The spectacle was disorganised in an amusing way, but TallGirl managed to remember almost all of her lines, including extemporising when her fellow actor (Le Petit Prince to her Fox) forgot his. She ended up with the most lines to remember of anyone and, predictably enough, delivered them too softly, but still - given her nerves - it was a fine achievement. Star of the afternoon was the boy who was supposed to stand alone and cry to end his piece, but they turned into real tears as he couldn't remember what to do next - a colleague saved the day by escorting him off stage fully in character.
It seems we have a new 'house football team' - we're very fickle. But to be honest I always doubted the commitment of a couple of residents to the English cause.
Allez les Bleus!
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