This day

By snapper

Monkeys like to be high!

The two wee dogs wouldnt eat their food this morning! The big lab ate everything as usual what lab doesnt?
I was a bit concerned that this wee brown one was looking a bit thin, lively enough but thin. She has a very bad digestion as it is and doesnt like any dry dog food among her tin stuff, so I went along to the vets for advice and they suggested some tinned make called Burns and indeed she ate that all up. The other wee dog finally ate his food this afternoon and the lab managed to steal double helpings again.
They are worse than kids, my kids were fussy enough when they were wee and indeed still are. The only person in this house that eats anything besides the lab is hubby and we often joke that we could give him dog food and he would be non the wiser, poor soul!

This vet dog food isnt cheap either! Anyhows all doggies happy , walked and now stretched out in front of usual log fire.

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