Fed Up Ted

Fed up because he has been asked to sit and stay while I take a photo of him, he won't look at me he just gets a mardy look on!! 2 seconds later when I call him to me he looks a different dog!! Grumpy Beagle!

Worked on Parish Council stuff today including a walk round the village updating noticeboards and delivering letters.

Had a lovely lunchtime cuppa, cake and catch up with Shirley at Waitrose, thank you Shirley x

Popped in to see Lisa this afternoon, her Dad has had another fall, not hospitalised this time but he's broken a rib and is black and blue again. Dementia is a cruel disease and he has become so frail especially over these last 6 weeks or so. It is all very upsetting and worrying for Lisa, she takes so much of the burden and on top of looking after my brother and the two boys....not to mention me now!! You are on in a million Lisa, proud to have you as my SIL and friend. x

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