No Static

By nostatic

Little 01

Treated to brunch at cafe rouge for father's day and since we were up in town Arlo decided a trip on the trams would be a good idea. Not exactly a dazzling array of destinations available, so we opted for the Gyle so we could at least get a coffee. Arlo enjoyed the tram, I still can't get over the cost and the already excellent bus service in Edinburgh. Rounded the day off with a trip to the park.

1997 was my second Glastonbury experience, one of those where the whole site was turned into the Somme, further compounded by the fact I was wearing a pair of canvas Vans and some fuckers stole everything from my tent. With the conditions as they were I spent a decent chunk of time in the dance tent - Big Beat was on the rise and so it was all Bentley Rhythm Ace, Lionrock, Monkey Mafia et al. However the Sunday headliners were a different kettle of fish and unbelievably good. They hadn't gone down the whole robot helmets direction at the time, but they definitely brought Da Funk.

The 97 Glastonbury was also the year that Radiohead played what many believe is the greatest festival performance of all time. I saw it and contrary as ever wasn't fussed. In fact it put me off Radiohead for a long time, so much so that I only got round to buying OK Computer a couple of years ago.

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