No Static

By nostatic


Swimming in the morning and then a trip down to the sports day in my sister's village. A good fun afternoon and good laugh seeing the kids running in their races, Arlo was all set for victory in his if he hadn't kept slowing down to wave to the assorted parents cheering their kids on! He's been watching too much of this. Unfortunately rain stopped play and so we had to wait until it died down a bit before heading to the fun fair.

1996 was when, a few releases aside, alternative music (by which I mean indie-ish guitar bands) was in the one of it's regular troughs (much like the current state of play). Obviously this meant turning my eyes in the direction of an assortment of beats and bleeps. One release stands head and shoulders above the rest though and that's Entroducing ... a record that Josh Davis is still receiving good will from. The first song that grabbed me was Stem (particularly the sample filled 7" version), but I'm going to go with the most immediate tune on the album. Bringing the funk with Organ Donor.

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