No Static

By nostatic


Daddy the team that are losing 5-1 is that not the team you were delighted to pull out in the office sweep?

That was an ace game of football was it not. I love a diving header and I don't think I've seen a finer one since Keith Houchen won Coventry the FA Cup yonks ago (I'm fairly sure he's a role model for Van Persie).

95 and britpop was still raging on, there's been a lot of criticism of britpop in the press over the last month or so, but you can't argue with the big releases of the time. Sure there were a lot of TFI Friday cluttering rubbish and the lad culture that sprung up around it was tedious. There were British artists striving to be more innovative in 95 - PJ Harvey, Tricky, Tindersticks and the early strains of jungle from Goldie. However I'm choosing something from across the ocean as one of the greatest hip-hop albums of all time was released in '95, Liquid Swords by GZA. Here's the title track.

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