
By LadyFindhorn

Woodpigeon (Columba Palumbus)

It is a worrying day at the castle. We are awaiting news on the condition of our 16 month old granddaughter who was admitted to hospital in Glasgow yesterday with a potentially very serious eye infection. She is to have a CT scan today and I'm loathe to leave the castle in case my daughter phones with news. She was so full of beans on Saturday when we saw her that I can't believe she's so poorly now. We're all keeping our fingers crossed.

My blip today, as seen through a window, is of one of the many woodpigeons in the area snaffling all the bird seed I put out on the garden table. Judging by his plumpness, he seems to be getting more than enough to eat, and probably more than his fair share.
We still have a lot of berries left on the cotoneaster which the smaller birds seem to be enjoying. Our resident magpies who are everywhere in summer and rule the roost are not much in evidence at the moment, although their nests in two adjoining garden trees have survived intact and are ready and waiting for habitation again.

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