Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

It's all about technique...

And young "Speed Racer" hasn't quite got the hang of it yet. He is fairly adept at "pouching" one peanut, but hasn't worked out the technique of pouching a second one yet. And in case you are wondering about the name... Kura named him Speed Racer after we watched him cart peanuts from the patio off into the woods yesterday. He kept us completely amused for the better part of an hour (and through a bottle of Prosecco.) Who doesn't love a chipmunk?

Kura and I had a wonderful visit, as always. I was so grateful for her company this weekend as I knew it was going to be very weird being here without Hubs. But now it's only 5 more days until I fly to FL for the weekend - yay!

After Kura left this afternoon, I pottered around outside for awhile, which is where I took this shot, as well as several others including four, starting HERE on FLick if you'd like to have a look. Saw my first Giant Swallowtail of the summer - very tattered, but still spectacular.

Thank you all for your continued kind comments and words of support. I am deeply grateful.


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