
By Chook

Naming your child 101*

-You could use a real name, but that is boring.
-Try a flower, or perhaps your favourite colour or food.
-Try rhyming with a real name. You can add -ayden to just about any letter of the alphabet.
-Never spell a name the way it was intended. That is boring. It's important your child is original. Substitute some Ys for Is. Add an extra E. Change all the Cs to Ks.

Sometimes, it is all I can do to keep my mouth shut when a parent tells me what they are about to name their newborn and how they are going to spell it. I'd really love to tell them to bloody spell it properly but, hey, I'm probably boring.


It seems hot days prompt hospitals (and probably other workplaces) to proportionally crank up the air-conditioning. Well into the 30s again outside, but I spent most of the day wishing for a jacket as I froze my backside off at work.

A scorcher is forecast for tomorrow: 43 degrees. Catastrophic fire warnings (ie evacuate) in some areas of the state. Hoping for a cool change tomorrow night.

Tonight's photo is almost a do-over of a few weeks back, but this time halfway across the bridge. Again a quick snap at quarter to eleven on my way home from work.

*Just in case you were tempted, I'm not actually suggesting you name your child 101. It would be a pretty nice name though.

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