
By Chook

White hot

I am eschewing good photography today in favour of dramatic effect.

Yes, this is in celsius.
No, there is no missing minus sign.
It actually reached 43.5 while I was driving home, but I was on the freeway, so no photo.
And, in case you were wondering, I was listening to Parallel Lions in the car.

It is like an oven.

Today is Joey's birthday. It would be fair to say she doesn't enjoy the heat, so we invited her over to our air-conditioned palace for a birthday-out-of-the-heat-treat.

Unfortunately, today's heat is too much for our whiz-bang cooling machine. It isn't coping. Five hours after it was turned on, the room has only cooled to thirty-one degrees. Wasn't helped by the cooking that was going on in the kitchen but, what we couldn't deliver in heat relief, we did deliver in the form of another delicious meal from J. Bellies happy, sweaty bodies stuck to the couch less so. Bummer.

The promised cool change doesn't look like it will arrive until tomorrow evening. I will be sleeping centimetres from the air-conditioner tonight.

Updates for B in Canada include:
*Package from Nelly is her report card and a Christmas card.
*Stevie Babes is plotting a post-retirement stand-up comedy tour of local nursing homes. Look out.
*CONGRATULATIONS on your course! Now you have to come home.


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