End of the day luck.

Me without a blip and minutes before sundown, I needed a little luck to make something (anything) happen. Then, as it happens, this rainbow bluet damselfly was having a bit of luck himself, in the form of dinner... An unlucky tiny moth.

Large for some detail (it's not gross, really). If that didn't bother you check here for an even closer look.

I was having a day where I didn't feel great, and my allergies went super wild (my eyes feel like I rubbed jalapeño peppers in them...) and I didn't bother to go out to get a blip all day. Actually, I wasn't going to, but couldn't stop myself from trying during the last of the sun's rays. I chased a bee, but got nowhere. I searched in vain for anything that moved and got frustrated. Then gave the bee one more (lame) effort on the chive flowers and was about to give up when I focused in on this scene. Hallelujah! He moved to a different flower just one time, and then seemed indifferent to me and my nosy camera as he had his supper. A few hundred shot later, shaking from the awkward position and wincing from my scuffed up knees; I was happy as a lark to have been lucky enough to capture this moment in nature.

Choosing a shot from all of those images was interesting, as was typing this up, all while I struggle to see with my puffy/watery allergy eyes. Hope I actually picked a clear one...

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