From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

A day in the life of a fire breathing dragon!

Well that was a marginally more interesting day than normal! I don't usually go into the office on a Thursday but as I had a hospital appointment (annual MOT) at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital on the other side of Brum, I decided to go in. It's a lot easier to get there from Solihull as there is a bus that runs all the way from Station Road right to the door of the hospital.

No one else arrived in the office until about 8:30 when I went up for my egg toastie. There were no door troubles today and I got there and back easily. As the weather was beautiful today after yesterday's continual rain, I didn't mind at all when the fire alarms went off - 'Fire! Fire! Please leave the building!' was announced over the speakers.

I think they should have a Homer Simpson voice saying 'Doh! You've got to go outside but please leave all your beer and food behind!' instead of the posh BBC voice they currently have. I don't suppose it would go with the conservative image of Solihull Council but it would be fun.

Anyway, we all trooped out into the sunshine to join the hoards of council workers heading to the carpark at the back of the Ramada hotel. The postman delivering to some nearby offices asked if we were all going to a concert. 'I wish!' I told him while everyone else just trooped past. It was the usual waste of time with everyone making small talk with people from other offices. Well, I didn't, as I was my usual self and ignored everyone else but used the opportunity to pretend I was invisible and whip my camera out when the all clear was given and we all trudged back to work. It was clearly just a practise as there were no firemen (hunky or otherwise) to take pictures of.

This picture was taken on the High Street walking back towards the council house.

Go large!

Anyway, I left the office again early afternoon, grabbed a sarnie from Boots and got my bus to the Q.E. without incident. I got there really early and thought I might be able to wander around and take a really exciting picture of the morgue but as I'd checked in as soon as I'd arrived I was called for the usual weight, height, blood pressure and oxygen saturation check followed by an ECG without having a chance for anything else apart from a trip to the loo! All of my test results were exactly the same as last year. Nothing has changed, I was told. I am quite boring really.

I saw a consultant briefly, a different one that I was expecting to see as this had been rescheduled since May the 8th three times by the hospital. I finished up running out of the hospital main entrance and leaping straight onto a number 76 back to Solihull just as it was about to leave. No time for any pictures at all. I'll be sent more locally to have a 24 hour heart monitoring kit fitted which can be sent back to them some time in the near future but they don't want to see me for another year. Sorted!

I am writing this on the bus to post later so apologies for the shaky writing.

Track? I heard this on the radio this morning while I was in the shower - Here Comes The Night

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