From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Ride on.....

Quickie today...

It was a lot cooler today and I stupidly went to work without my leather or umbrella. At least I had my gloves although wearing a wispy summery top wasn't best for me. Maybe I should have stuck one glove on each.......NO!

Anyway, I went to McDonalds for my usual tea and am delighted to report that the young lady who served me didn't turn a hair when I gave her my Scottish tenner. I stayed in the warm for a little while and then trundled up to the council house. Cold temperatures make me peckish and I went straight up to the kitchen at 8 and had a fried egg toastie and a packet of crisps for breakfast number two followed by a minty Aero. I wasn't that hungry at lunchtime so just had a cheeseburger with fries in McDonalds (again) and bought a tub of mealworms on the way back.

Work was fine as work goes and I decided to walk home which warmed me up a bit and I took a few pictures on the canal on the way. No barges today but there were a few cyclists. I haven't ridden a bike since I was about 15. I'm not sure I'd fancy cycling along the towpath as it's a bit narrow and I'd probably topple in! The ducks would have liked the mealworms though.....

Track? I absolutely love this gentle one from Christy Moore. I haven't heard it for a while - Ride On

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