The Duel At Ightham Mote

Day 152 of 365. Today was my last day off before returning to work so I was trying to fit in as many things as I could before succumbing to the doom and gloom of having to knuckle down to the usual stressful and tiring schedule.
The day started with a long run and then a lovely warm, relaxing bath and a little bit of a snooze!
Then we decide to go Ightham Mote, a stunning National Trust property with a beautiful garden and, of course, a mote surrounding the medieval house which has now been fully restored. While there I spotted these two children having a duel on a grassy knoll overlooking one of the ponds. They seemed totally absorbed in their battle, letting their imagination run away them. Sometimes I think that's what we miss as adults - being creative, using our imaginations, letting ourselves be absorbed in something fun and even silly.
After a bit of a walk round the grounds we had an ice cream and then visited a pub on the way home for a quick drink. When I got in I managed to make a chocolate cake as well. Finally, I'm now writing this blip while having a little glug of wine!

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