It's Not Far, London

Day 153 of 365. My day started very early today, 3 a.m. to be precise! There happened to be two urban foxes having a full on stramash. We know one of them because it has a very distinctive limp. It also seems to have adopted our garden as somewhere to have a nap. At this very moment it is curled up beneath the washing line, only waking now and again to let out an almighty yawn!
It was back to the commuting again after my holiday - something I've been doing for very nearly 25 years and I seem to hate it more the older I get - c'est la vie!
Today's shot is a sight I see often on my lunchtime constitutional - people walking around in their little bubbles, phone clamped to their ear, jabbering away. I use my mobile at most a couple of times a day, usually for less than 30 seconds at a time!

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