From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG

Happy #9

I will go back and fill in the gaps of last week's holiday in due course - there are a lot of photos to sort through and choose from, it was an amazing adventure! - so I thought I would pick up my happiness project from today, rather than shoe horn my holiday snaps into it. After all, it's very easy to be happy on holiday. Far more of a challenge to maintain it on return to Real Life.

These are some of the plants I was given for Mother's Day - instead of a bunch of cut flowers, we went to a garden centre to choose some "proper" plants together. It's nice to see them thriving a couple of months later. Some of my bulbs even look like they're coming through.

The next two weeks are likely to be dominated for me by spreadsheet overload, and Mr G has OU exams looming too... Likely to be a recipe for a stressy house. Will be on a concerted mission to keep hunting out the happy things to see us through!

Things that have made me happy today:
- waking up without an alarm. Ok, it was still at 6am, but that feels so much nicer when it's a natural awakening.
- a sunny day that let me make a sizeable dent in the post-holiday laundry mountain.
- pottering in the garden with my family. I even did some weeding. Voluntarily. Wonders will never cease.

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