From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG


The last day of the trip. A very early start from the hotel, a brief stop for a picnic breakfast once were safely over the border in Hungary, a longer stop for leg-stretching and coffee and cake in Eger, a ridiculously early arrival at the airport and an awful lot of hangman in the 4 hours (yes, 4 hours) we had to wait before check in opened... Not the best of ways to end our marathon, but Eger, at least, was nice ;-)

According to Google maps (who may or may not be reliable on such things), we covered around 1,500km in our 7 day trip. Possibly, in retrospect, a slightly over-optimistic itinerary, and I'm not sure I'd rush to do it again on quite that scale, but I'm glad we were fool-hardy enough to do it this once, and the holiday will certainly live long in all our memories.

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