Burst of Flames

Nine o'clock at night, and I wanted to try out the Brian Peterson U-tube 'How to photograph flowers with flash' method:
SET Manual; SET on Autofocus; SET Evaluative Metering for Exposure; SET Shutter Speed @ 1/250; SET Aperture @ f22; SET Ringflash @ TTL; FOCUS and SHOOT; CHECK result and adjust Flash Ev + or -- if necessary; END. 'Simples' as the cunning little beasts from Namibia (or is it Russia?) might say.

I am so much of a cludge with flash that I thought a Cheat Sheet like this might just help. Unlike the aforesaid Brian Peterson, I have great difficulty in handholding, especially for close-ups. So I used a tripod and some Marigolds in the garden. Result is more 'art' than picture, more crafty that arty.

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