
By PhilipC

A Rush Job?

...on a learning curve.

1. My first attempt at using flash (available light being poor - it is evening), and the built-in flash at that. Learned one thing: a close-up can find itself shadowed by the lens/lens cap!

2. What is it? Again a rush job. I'm no better at identifying lichen than I am at photography, being very much a learner in both! Let's have a first guess at Parmelia saxatilis, or, more likely Hypogymnia physodes. It could even be 'crottle', for it was on rocks on the sea-shore across from the Isle of Skye. The Gaelic name for this was 'crotal', which was used to produce a brown dye for clothing.

Tomorrow I'll get out the Lichen books and try to make certain. I'll also look up on how to use flash! Way to go...!

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