My Three Sons

Such a good day today and was spoilt for choice on blips, but have decided to go with this one of my three boys as it's Alex's birthday today. From left to right Nick my eldest, Alex my middle son and Tom my youngest. They all went off together to watch Arctic Monkeys. It's lovely to see that they are friends as well as brothers.

Up early for a trip to London to run in the Westminster Mile. It tipped down at first so got soaked. I looked like I had my early morning dip in the lake. But the sun did come out as I started my run. I'm no runner but I have a go. I was amazed at the time I did which made me 21st in my age group. I'm very pleased with that....and I got a medal :).

Hubby also ran. He did really well and wanted to go under 7 mins...he did 6.45, and also came 21st in his age group.

Had a nice breakfast in town before getting the train home. Made it back in time to wish birthday boy a happy birthday and see the trio before they left home.

Then it was shower and get ready for a BBQ. What a shame about the rain on and off didn't spoil anything though. Really had a nice time.

Then it was home to catch the last of the football....what a treat to see the washboard, bare chest of Ronaldo....a nice end to a lovely day :)

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