Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

The Beginning of a Journey

Today is our daughter and son-in-law's 26th wedding anniversary. They have been living apart for 22 months, but in the past 6 or 8 months they have been spending lots of time together. We continue to remain hopeful that they will not end their relationship. We think our son-in-law is one terrific guy. They are both tremendous assets where they are employed. They've raised a daughter and a son, and on and on.

Their separation has been unsettling to the entire family. We all believe that working it out is so much better than walking out, but most of us are not giving them our advice or our opinions because they don't need them. We try to be supportive and encouraging.

I thoroughly enjoying looking at her/their wedding photos. They conjure memories of a wonderful day.

Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka

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