
By MamaOfBoys

Get up Stand up

Ohhhh no. He's up on his feet now. And he can keep doing it. He just crawled last week, i'm not ready for him to be up on his feet yet. Would everything just slow down please. He is too tiny to be doing this he s not allowed to grow up just yet.

Soooo as per my blip last night i shall fill you in on the ministry. I am furious. All parents of Ferndale kids are furious. The ministry or rather the ridiculous hekia parata has proposed moving the 3 special needs schools in chch and all their satellites. They are proposing to move Ferndale to the new aranui super school so they will more inclusive. They are proposing turning the 6 classes at Ferndale base into 2 and having 3 satellites in linwood and aranui and upping the ratio of children per class.

This is utterly ridiculous. For soooo many reasons. I'm really stressed about it. It will be longer travel time, less local community access, it means disrupting these kids who have been placed into different classes to suit their needs. They will have less space than what they do now. The ministry want to include them more into mainstream but they cant be they'll need to be fenced off within the super school making it look like a prison. This proposal by the ministry is absurd. The things they have said about the better outcomes from doing this just seem to be guesses and not actually founded on anything. The guy who ran the meeting wasn't even from the ministry so couldn't answer anyone's questions. The full proposal is here for anyone interested.

I've read through it and its just nonsense, the ideas they have come up with are impractical and just useless. The other special needs schools as well as ferndale seem to be going to be moved to the outskirts of town.

I don't know what happens from here other than there is another meeting next Tuesday. Ive been stewing about it all day so since i cant go ive written a letter with my thoughts and questions. I don't know if this will go through with so much opposition for it but ultimately the ministry will do what they want anyway . Theyre trying to look democratic by asking for input but really they're just dictating whats going to happen.

Once again the ministry of education have let us down again.

Can you tell im fed up? i'm really upset. I just moved kanye to ferndale to better his needs but this will not help that. They did bring up a satellite at st albans,, the mum who told me about it said 'i instantly thought of you' I just moved him from there!! I mean if they did it would be a better option than aranui but still seriously? SERIOUSLY?

I know my feelings have come across pretty strong in this blip but im just so furious so do excuse me.

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