wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Outside my comfort zone

Before blip I did a lot of macro photography. Or as a friend would say " I used my zoomy thingy a lot"

So tonight I went outside and ignored the tulips ( there are so many more to share ) and went right to the rolled up plastic fence.
It's not straight. There is no way to straighten it. None I just spent 20 minutes. Forget it, Screw it , deal with it.

I am ok with that however it's going to make some people nuts. }:>> Ok I really have to master the evil smile thing.
My neighbor Sue ( other side ) has 6 rolled up plastic fences and they are lined up the driveway. I have NO idea what this is all about. She has a tendency to hoard things so I'm not questioning it. If I do not blip tomorrow.....something very strange has happened.
Pray for me.

The lawn guy ....first of all I am sorry to call him that but that is what HE calls himself ....came today and mowed the lawn. Since I have two men coming tomorrow to help me in the yard, I am so happy that we don't have to spend the day raking!
I am going to make the garden of awesomeness awesome again.
I have five days off. One of my subscribers said she was worried I didn't breathe.
I do but will breathe deeper in the next five days!

This week has been kind of low key. No adventures. I seem to have behaved this week. I am so disappointed in myself.

I do have a cat totally addicted to my iPad. Seriously she watches it all the time. She falls asleep on top of it after the movie is over. I can't use it without her watching me type or cry if I am reading something and nothing moves. She is watching the tv right now. I am fascinated.

Time to respond to the last couple of blips.
Have a great weekend. Tomorrow night is a gig at Andy's old port tavern. I am sure an adventure is in my future. As is an awesome garden.

That's a happy smile.

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