Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Blowing in the wind

Today is National Body Clock Day and research by some of the world's top universities has shown that our modern lifestyle is damaging our health as we do not get enough sleep and we push the limits of our natural body clocks too much. Apparently in the 1950's people on average got one and a half more hours sleep per night than we do today. I suppose people worked shorter office hours then and there was less to do in the evenings (less choice of TV and other entertainment) so people went to bed earlier. I could do with an extra one and a half hours sleep every night, maybe I would wake up feeling refreshed for a change.

There are the most beautiful clouds around at the moment - big, bold and clearly defined in the blue sky. I see them as I am driving around and cannot find an open space to photograph them. It must be because of the wind and bits of rain we are having on a sunny day.

The wind was blowing all the flowers that I tried to photograph today, and this poor little ladybird was hanging on for dear life as the grass was whipping about. Very difficult to focus in such conditions!

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