
By MamaOfBoys


Yeah i burnt my hand. I was turning the pan off but didn't realize how close the pan was to the dial. After i ran it under cold water i held a cold wet cloth on it and have been applying pawpaw cream. Ugh burns are the worst. Marley was really concerned and kept trying to make me better, didn't really help he kept touching it. Maybe he had flashbacks to when he burnt his hand on the fireplace when he was a baby. He said to Andre 'we need to give mama medicine and love' but he was looking for both those items in the first aid kit. Hmmm.

I ended up putting a bandaid over it i know your not meant to but with mar trying to touch it and me almost taking the skin off via metal coat hanger hook i thought best i keep it covered for a while.

Had a quiet day at home with harper. Managed to get a lot done despite chasing him around taking things out of his mouth or taking things off him.

He's discovered he can take his nappy off so I'll find a nappy in the hall and a nudey baby in the lounge. Cheeky monkey.

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