
By MamaOfBoys

Thor isnt happy

Not sure what got his asgardian knickers in a knot but he seemed most annoyed this afternoon!

Right on school pickup it sort started to rain- a few spots here and there then a sudden down pour but not rain- hail, just hail.

I walked to school to get mar and the hail combined with the wind was pelting my legs, i'm sure i'll have lovely little welts all over my legs making it look like i have some horrendous disease.

Then the thunder clapped above my head and i sort of tried to run- you know that walk run where you want to go just a bit faster but you are aware you could slip and just look plain silly? Yeah that walk, would you call it a walk or perhaps a scuttle?. 

As i got around the corner it all stopped, just came to a halt.
My gumboots were full of little bits of ice- stupid really that i wore them, they are meant to protect against puddles but they collect hail- there should be a disclaimer when buying them about that.

I cant believe its been a few days since i last blipped- there goes my promise to keep up with it. I actually cant recall what has happened over the weekend, is that bad? 
No wait it was mothers day wasn't it? That was weekend just gone. 

 Ok so i had a relaxing day, i got breakfast and a cup of tea, no sleep in but  a nap later on. 

We took boys to park to play in leaves, we were all stuffed up with a  cold in the weekend so we didn't do much else.

Monday i had lots of work to do- Kanye is getting a new communication book so had to send a whole lot of family pictures to speech therapist and fill out forms to send back to her, then had another 5 forms arrive in the mail to read and sign for Marley.

Today ran errands, got groceries, returned phone calls etc- busy busy, and today was so lovely up until school pickup.

Marley thought our umbrella turning inside out on the way home was hilarious, useless in the wind they are, they should be sold alongside the hail collecting gumboots. They probably already are hey? 

Perils of wet weather and wind .....

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