Meet Boris

You have to look closely to see him, but he’s there between the two trees on the left and he’s a lot more handsome in real life. This is a metal art installation made by my friend Gary Armstrong who creates the most amazing pieces using his talent for welding and working with metals. He was invited to install this creation titled Web of Intrigue at our local treasure, or secret garden as we Bellinghamsters call it, Big Rock Garden. The web, made out of stainless steel welding wire, spans about 20 feet between two trees in this beautiful botanical and sculpture garden. They’re having a special showing for Mother’s Day introducing several new pieces, along with some performing artists, painters and poets. I went tonight after work hoping to beat the weekend crowd and I did. I couldn’t seem to get a really good picture of Gary’s creation, but you get the idea. The spider’s name is Boris and his “friends” are the BugMeats 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 (they're even harder to see than Boris in this picture but you can find them in the web if you look hard enough. If you’re curious about the detail, which is quite amazing, check out Gary's website here where you'll find close-up pictures of these beautifully crafted and colorful critters.

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